Monday, December 7, 2009

My art over the past three years

Put the volume up so that you can hear the music, the song is called All around me buy my favorite band Flyleaf their music is such a blessing I seriously can't draw now if their music isn't playing in the background!

The Buccaneer of Nemaris

I got blessed with an amazing opportunity this year to be one of the illustrators for this book my drawings are featured on the inside of the book I believe they will be featured in the beginning of each of the chapters. The book is the first of the series God willing I can be one of the illustrators for the rest of the series it comes out this month and will be coming to a book store near you I'll update this when I find out more information I hope you guys will come back to find out more God bless!

*I have the link on the side with the rest of my other sites if you'd like to check it out.

My Faith

Because He died I lived

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
-John 3:16

For sometime now God had been placing in my heart to draw something that would show his love for us and how much we mean to him that he would send his only son to die on the cross. Of all the drawing I've done this one by far has the most meaning to me I was blessed to have found a picture on the internet that I loved and it happen to be the one I used as a reference for this drawing I ask the person if I could use it and he was kind enough to let me. It spoke so loud to me I mean I know to some it's just a drawing of hands but to me it shows that even in a world that is so dark, evil, empty and full of no hope there is still one who can change that and his name is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who died for you and me who took our place on that cross. I'm not forced to believe in this nor am I brainwashed I believe because of what he has done in my life and I know for a fact that nothing in this world can ever fix and mend my broken heart the way he did I'm brand new because of him. I just pray that this drawing could do the same for you and just remind you that you are truly not alone he is with you every step of the way trust me I know thanks for looking and reading this God bless!

I will walk by faith

"Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which lead to life, and there are few who find it."
-Matthew 7:14

I wanted this scripture to come to life and I know it's simple but I hope the message is loud and clear; life is hard when you come to Jesus Christ that's why the Bible says the gate is narrow and only few find it. When times get hard you feel like you've reached your limit and you can't go on anymore that's when you're truly tested as a child of God who do you turn to in your time of need remember God only gives you what you can handle. He allows things to happen in our lives so that we could seek him even more because it's in those troubled times where we cry out from our hearts that's what God truly wants more then anything is our hearts and lives. Always remember he never leaves you he is there through the good and the bad times as we should be there with him giving him all the praise glory and honor when times are good and especially when they're bad that is the reason why the gate is so narrow and difficult to stay on. I know I'm not the best writer but God willing you got the message!

20 years of Disney's The Little Mermaid

As many of you know The Little Mermaid is my favorite movie of all time and know that I'm a huge fan. Ariel is the Disney princess/cartoon charter that I can relate to the most I'm a collector just like Ariel except I collect things of her so for the 20th anniversary of The Little Mermaid I decided I would draw her as a human version of Ariel since that is what she wanted the most was to be a human. This is my thank you to everyone who worked on this amazing movie which inspired me so much through out my life it's a blessing to me and I think a lot of people this is also a huge thank you to the amazing Jodi Benson one of my biggest role model/inspirations who I hope to meat one day.

Dedicated to all my fellow Ariel/TLM fans out there!